Wall Vapor Barrier System
CleanSpace Wall Vapor Barrier will stop water from seeping through your foundation walls by allowing the seepage to drain down the backside of the barrier and into the drainage system.

Drainage System
WaterGuard Drainage System will collect water that enters the basement and redirect it to the sump pump system.

Prior to Drainage System Install
Interior drainage system will catch water that enters the basement and will pass through to the sump pump system.

Basement Waterproofing
WaterGuard Drainage and half-wall Clean Space Vapor barrier

Weep Holes
Weep holes are drilled through the foundation wall allowing for water to pass through. This will give the water an exit instead of soaking into the foundation wall causing additional issues. A vapor barrier will be permanently fastened to the wall that prevents water intrusion into the basement. That water will then drain down the backside of the barrier and into the drainage system.

LawnScape Outlet
The LawnScape Outlet allows for water to drain out through the openings collected by the sump pump. The lid comes off for easy cleaning access too!